We are

We are a social network of professional online hosts who provide products and services to our own P2P community.

WE ARE TRUSTWORTHY HOSTS professionally organized to connect the total amount of our guests to the real local experience. We are locals and we do not live the tourist life. We are citizens offering services on demand to visiting citizens, connecting an international demand searching for “the local experience” to the most appropriate local offer. We have a big influence on their buying decisions.

WE ARE YOTTACONNECTORS, being Yotta the largest unit prefix in the metric system, denoting 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. It has the unit symbol Y. The prefix name is derived from the Greek οκτώ (októ), meaning eight, 8, the infinite. We have the capacity to connect world travelers to infinite experiences and solutions in our own town.

WE ARE GLOCAL. Our model is based on our own needs; it is easy and cheap to replicable by citizens and provides a global solution with a local focus. All hosts in the world have our same similar problems and require similar professional solutions. We started in Madrid, will continue in Lisbon, then follow to Brussels….

WE ARE PROSUMERS who connect foreign visitors to local P2P communities. We are a next step in the disruption process, being the first the creation of online platforms which have created P2P communities.

WE LOVE OUR JOB. We are citizens who love hosting our peers through online platforms, enjoying an excellent digital reputation and working as a 24/7 interconnected brain. We are professionally organized, but we preserve our authenticity. We guarantee that travelers can count on a real local host. We provide a human touch in your Madrid stay.

Our story.

Until July 2014, all 35 of us were happy citizens sharing our homes with our peers through online platforms. We loved our job and provided the best local offer to world visitors in Madrid (Spain), who were thoroughly satisfied. All 35 were summing up more than two thousand 5 star online evaluations, confirming maximum satisfaction from clients from all over the world. We loved to be part of the booming sharing economy and we loved to share it with our peers.

In July 2014, the government of Madrid legislated on “home sharing”, forcing citizens to legally function as commercial companies. Hosts in Madrid became confused and did not know how to legally continue with the hosting activity. An enormous amount of bureaucracy plus fixed administrative costs have resulted in thousands of hosts that, as individuals, now can barely survive and feel insecure about the sharing activity.

We decided to react. In February 2015, 35 Airbnb hosts in Madrid professionally regrouped under a hybrid scheme designed to provide specific solutions to themselves and to their guests. We are currently working in circles to provide creative solutions for our community of peers, launching on 13th May, 2015, in Madrid, with next connection to YottaCities Lisbon and Brussels.       


Si has llegado hasta aquí y eres anfitrión de Airbnb, quizás esto te pueda interesar. Si están en nuestra misma situación, ¡contactanos! 

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